There was a time in Spain when being called María and José was the common thing to do. Today, it is more common to be called Enzo, Martina or Valerie. And the best thing is that there is a web page of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) that reflects all these trend changes.
The name and Surname” tool the total number of people with the same name or surname in the same province can be obtained from the INE. It also provides the average age of those people, which gives a close look at how fashionable a name has been in recent years.
Movies and series have greatly changed what we name our new boys and girls. For example, Daenerys has been a revolution in Tarragona and Badagoz. 257 girls are so named in Spain, the average is 4.2 years.
And although in Seville names like Triana, Pablo, Manuel and María del Carmen continue to be more popular, the José’s have an average age that exceeds 62 years compared to the average of 7 years that Leia has or the 9 of Arwen. As for the surnames, the tool allows to know how many people have it first, how many second and how many repeat both. For example, Perez and Lopez exceed 1.5 million and the Garcias number more than 3 million in total in Spain.
On the other hand, , the Rodriguez figures are close to 2 million, with Seville being one of the provinces with the highest incidence. Meanwhile, surnames of foreign Inception as it can be a Smith there are only about 6,000 people, most of them in the Mediterráneo coastal Zone.
It is not surprising, for example, that Malaga has a good number of these surnames: Stone, Archer or Baker are concentrated on the map especially in this region.
This INE tool takes data from the Population Census and Birth Statistics based on data from the Civil Registry. The tool has, so far, data as of January 1, 2023.