The small towns, strongholds of what they once were, are resisting to the attack of time and have begun to arouse some interest. At least in terms of putting some of these forgotten destinations on the map. Andalusia does not escape either, with municipalities with so few inhabitants that many of them are without basic services. In fact, the National Statistics Institute reports that the smallest town in Andalusia, Benitagla, has no more than 60 residents.
Specifically, 53 citizens inhabiting this town in eastern Andalusia, at least according to data from 2022 that throws the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of the Junta de Andalucía. Among the figures handled by the institution are its dimensions, 6.39 square kilometers or the distance that separates this village collection of the provincial capital, Almeria.
Benitagla is not, however, the only town in Almería that is among the least populated in the community. It is, in fact, this province, so busy during the summer, which adds more destinations to the list. So much so that 6 of the 10 smallest municipalities in Andalusia are here, in Almeria.
The Andalusian count places Cumbres de Enmedio, in the Sierra de Huelva, in second place. Although it held the title of being the most depopulated locality, in the last year 6 new residents have joined the census, adding 59 at the beginning of 2022. The dynamics are reversed in both towns, Benitagla subtracts 5 inhabitants to its census compared to 2020 and the town of Huelva acquires six new residents.
Benitagla, 53 inhabitants
In the heart of the Sierra de los Filabres, Benitagla was founded by descendants of the Berber tribes of al-Andalus. Here they settled until in the 15th century, in the context of the War of Granada, it was taken, together with other villages in the vicinity and granted to Pedro Manrique de Lara, I Duke of Nájera. Juan Chacón would buy these lands in 1495.
After the rebellion of the Alpujarras in 1568 and the consequent expulsion of the Moors, Benitagla was practically depopulated. And so it has been practically until today, a small town surrounded by the flora of the mountains, oaks, broom, brambles and gorse and hiking trails where you can enjoy this vegetation.
The complete list is as follows, the Andalusian villages that barely exceed one hundred inhabitants:
- Benitagla, Almeria (53 inhabitants) is the smallest village in Andalusia.
- Cumbres de Enmedio, Huelva (59 inhabitants)
- Castro de Filabres, Almería (115 inhabitants)
- Alsodux, Almería (129 inhabitants)
- Alcudia de Monetagud, Almería (133 inhabitants)
- Juviles, Granada (134 inhabitants)
- Lobras, Granada (135 inhabitants)
- Beires, Almería (138 inhabitants)
- Cóbar, Almería (160 inhabitants)
- Salares, Málaga (175 inhabitants)